A Path Less Travelled

It looked a straight and pleasant path
the way that lay ahead
I thought the ground beneath our feet
would take us where we led

But the path led us a darker route
That a chosen few must follow
A place where despair kills hope
Where a smile’s no match for sorrow

Not straight, this path
Where the days are clear to see
Nor solid ground on which to depend
Where a life can be carefree

Like stepping stones of ragged rock
Each day has chasms between
Our eyes cast down we struggle on
The future remains unseen

But inch by inch and step by step
Though the burden becomes heavy
We set our pace, aim for horizons new
And we make our progress steady

Sometimes with fear, sometimes with hope
But always by your side
You carry me through, fighting cancer too
My child, you are my guide

by Amanda Brooke

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